There was this really interesting question which was asked on one of our family get together some years back. Why i thought about this now is because i saw something that happened while driving yesterday which really ticked me off. But before i get to that , a slight off shot of what i think of the Traffic scene here. I live in Madras, lovingly called the "armpit" of india. Its hot , its sultry, it stinks big time and its got dogs, yes dogs as in bow-bow. In fact its infested with dogs. Here is a conspiracy theory. The SPCA, the big pharmaceutical companies and the corporation authorities are involved. The big Pharma companies must have paid off these SPCA guys to make a big hue and cry to stop the corporation authorities from pounding and killing (killing is better) the stray dogs in the name of humanity( human beings don't receive that anymore). This in turn has manifested in an explosion of dog bite cases in hospitals which in turn will show up on the balance sheets of...